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HomeClub Activities

Club Activities


Women's Fly Fishing Clinic


In August, club members introduce interested women to the basics of fly fishing, including equipment, aquatic entomology, reading the water, and casting. The seminar ends with a campout on one of the local trout streams, during which participants complete their instruction by fishing with club mentors. Participation is open to members and non-members alike. A nominal fee is charged to cover club expenses, including several meals during the camp out.
Contact: PEG for more information.

Women's Clinic Registration Form 2018



Kelly Creek Flycasters Scholarships

 We award a $1,500 scholarship to a graduate student in some fishery field whose studies are expected to positively impact fisheries of the Pacific Northwest. The scholarship recipient is usually announced at our December meeting.




Conservation Projects

 The club provides equipment and supervision for on-stream projects. Using the willing and eager muscle of Juvenile Corrections participants and supervision by Idaho Fish and Game, the club participates in stream bank re-vegetation. Individual members assist F&G in tagging of steelhead smolt.


Adopt-A-Highway-US 12

Once a year representatives of the club converge on Powell Campground to patrol and remove debris from a two mile section of Idaho State Highway 12 that the club has adopted. Members provide their own transportation and camping, and the club provides the main course for a potluck meal.

2020 Highway Litter Pickup 


Other Instruction

The club complies with frequent requests from various groups, including local schools, for instruction in fly casting and fly fishing technique as part of their curricula.


We welcome ideas for new projects! Please contact one of the KCF Officers or a club member if you have a suggestion for a project that would fit our Mission!